15 MARCH 2016 In a few hours it has turned into the cult video of the mountain bike and alpine skiing owing to the incredible acrobatic performances carried out by the two Italian mtb riders (Francesco Colombo, Johannes von Klebesberg and Loris Revelli) on the mythical slope Canalone Miramonti in Madonna di Campiglio.
It's a viral video filmed in sinergy with Val di Sole Great Events Committee, i.e. the Organizing Committee of the UCI Worlds Mtb Val di Sole 2016 (29 August -11 September) and by the O.C. 3Tre, the historical race of alpine skiing World Cup in Italy.
That is to say, the two great sport events hosted in Trentino this year.
Alberto Penasa - Azienda Turismo Val di Sole
Viale Marconi, 7 - 3827 - Malè - (TN)
Tel. +39.0463.900863 - Fax +39.0463.901563
www.valdisole.net - penasa.a@valdisole.net